Went out and did a bit of grocery shopping this morning...it was nice to be at the store when it wasn't too busy. Got my supplies for my lunch item for the week...I made Bacon's Famous Pasta Salad! Ok, it's not famous...I actually just created it yesterday and today was the first time making it. It COULD be famous...someday! Anyway, here's a picture:
- tri-colour pasta
- cucumber
- tomato
- chick peas
- feta
- kalamata olives
- balsamic vinegar
I believe that's all. Tasted pretty good. Hopefully it will be yummy for lunch tomorrow! I packed a few Kashi crackers (which I LOVE with my soups) to add some crunch. This bowl may look like one or two servings, but it's actually a BIG bowl that will get me through the week. I really should have added something to the picture for scale. Oh well!
The other item I made (for supper this time) was some acorn squash. Thank you to Kath for the tutorial on how to cook it! It was pretty yummy (see picture!). I made my better half a grilled cheese sandwich (forgot to take a picture)...she wasn't wanting any part of the acorn squash, lol. I added butter and brown sugar, yum!
Oh yes, I almost forgot...I went to the gym, yay!! I had a pretty good workout! I'd been thinking of trying to run on the treadmill for a good while now, but haven't wanted to do it while many people were there. I used to run quite a bit a few years back, but then I stopped working out, etc. Anyway, in the spring of this year I did something to my knee and haven't even been able to run across the street while trying to catch a light at the crosswalk. It's been quite painful, so that's part of the reason I haven't wanted to even try running on the treadmill. Anyway, the gym was pretty dead, so I gave it a shot! The first little bit hurt, but then I was able to find a rhythm that minimized any discomfort and didn't make me look like I was all gimpy. I only ran for 5 minutes, but I was so proud of myself. The cardio part of it wasn't a problem, since I've been doing the elliptical, so I was able to pay attention to how I was running and making sure my knee didn't do anything weird. Very proud. :-)
So, I have been tagged by Krista at Krista's Kravings!! How exciting! Been a few years since I've played tag...let's see how I do!
Here are the rules:
- Link back to the blog that originally tagged you
- Post the rules on your blog
- Tell your readers 6 random things about you
- Tag 6 other blogs and link back to their sites
- Leave a comment on your chosen blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged
- Let your tagger know when you’ve posted your entry
Here are the "oh so exciting" random things about ME!
- I have an iPhone and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!
- My favourite dish in the whole world is something that my Mom used to make. It's called Macaroni and Cheese Casserole. So freakin good!
- I have several favourite movies (I know this is a random list, not a favourite list...sue me! LOL!) - Office Space, Top Gun, The American President.
- I have experienced -52 degrees Celsius (that is -62 F)...no one should be THAT cold!
- I have driven from the top of the USA to the bottom...and would do it again...just for the Cracklins and Boudin!
- When I was in elementary school, we would take an old knee high or some panty hose, stick a tennis ball in there and bounce it off of the outside of the school. We didn't have video game consoles in those days (OMG, I sound SOOOO freakin old!!).
Ok, I think I am done with the craziness that is me!
Here are my tags (sorry if you've been tagged already!):
- Around the World in 340 Days
- Carrots 'N' Cake
- follow my weigh
- Winning Friends with Salad
- No Book Left Behind
- Kath Eats Real Food
I'm off to bed! My workout and my cooking have made me sleepy! Have a great night all!
Thanks for the shout out!
Hahah, great facts!
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