Monday, September 22, 2008

Poop Soup

I went to the gym today, yay!! I'm proud of myself...I almost talked myself out of going! We had a very busy day today. I took the day off, so we could go meet the minister and see the chapel where we will be having our upcoming nuptials. Very exciting! It's a little place (seats 20-ish people), but it is cute and cozy. Perfect for us. :-) Now, if only the rings we ordered would come in!

After checking out the chapel, we went and browsed a factory outlet place and then headed to IHOP for some lunch. I had a really tasty Garden Scramble (scrambled eggs with veggies) and I had most of one pancake. It was all very yummy. Then we headed back home for me to get a haircut, go to the gym, and go to the vet's to get the kitten his last shots. He was not very happy with the shot OR the thermometer up his butt! It's all good...he's been running around like nothing happened tonight, so it must not have bothered him too much.

This evening it took FOREVER, but I finally got all of my food items ready for work tomorrow. I cut up my watermelon for the rest of the week, cut up my strawberries, and grabbed my grapes. I also made something I like to call...Poop Soup. No, it's not made of poop, but it DOES LOOK like poop. Mmmmmm, pooooop. It is a Black Bean and Salsa soup. It looks gross, but it tastes pretty good! (

Here is a picture:

Poop...or...soup? You decide. Almost looks like chocolate. Mmmmm, chocolate.

Anyway! On top of each serving in a bowl will be some sour cream and some green onions. I'll report tomorrow on if it was as yummy as it looks, lol.

Food for the day:
  • All-Bran Strawberry Bites w/ milk
  • Garden Scramble and one pancake from IHOP
  • chicken caesar salad

Wow, doesn't seem like I ate a whole lot today, but it was a few things that were high-ish in calories, so it added up.

Anyway, must head to the couch...this "vacation" day WORE ME OUT! LOL!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Been a LITTLE bit lax with my posting on real excuses except for lack of motivation. Just didn't feel like it and just didn't have anything good to say. However, I HAVE done quite well with my eating, so that's a good thing! I've been successfully avoiding bad stuff and eating mostly good stuff.

Last week I made an amazing navy bean soup in the was sooooo good! I was very impressed with myself. Tomorrow I'm going to make a black bean soup (on the stove, not in the crockpot), so hopefully that will turn out nice.

Tonight is either going to be shake n' bake pork chops and stove top stuffing or chicken caesar salad. Either way...yum.

Food for the rest of the day:
  • spinach and cheddar crepe-omelet (from a really good place called Cora's) - I had the other half of what I had yesterday when we went there
  • a couple of strawberries
  • toast (one piece) with almond butter (I've been wanting to try it and it was pretty good on toast!)
  • raspberry smoothie

I'll probably have a snack at some point...perhaps a banana. Not sure yet.

Went to the gym yesterday AND today! YAY!!! I wasn't going to weigh myself today, but I was really curious, so I did...I have actually lost a bit! I'm down to 169.8 lbs. I was impressed, since I haven't really been getting much exercise...all I've really been doing is eating healthy. I guess it has helped. :-) Earlier in the week I went for a 40 minute walk outside before I went to work. At least it was something. My mom and I used to walk a bunch when I was younger...helped me lose weight back then, so I figured it was worth a shot now.

Ohhh, had an AMAZING nap yesterday! We laid down around 5:30pm and woke up around 9:30pm!! Ran out to grab some McDonald's (I had grilled chicken wraps) and then came home, laid around for awhile and went to bed again around 1am. Got up around 10am this morning. What a lot of sleep! It was nice.

Ok, one final thing...just wanted to add the little weight ticker, since there was a little change.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Hacker's Diet

Wow, I didn't realize that I hadn't blogged since Wednesday! I've been crazy at work, getting home late, and super freakin tired through the end of the week. Got to sleep in until 7 a.m. this morning...I know, not REALLY sleeping in. However, I DID go back to bed around 9 a.m. and finally got up again around 11.

We have done pretty much nothing today. I like doing nothing sometimes on the weekend, it's nice! It's been a crappy rainy day today and I think it's a rule to lay on the couch most of the day when it's like that outside on the weekend.

Oh, I tried my first day on the first rung of The Fitness Ladder from The Hacker's Diet. It was not too bad. It gives you a few different exercises to do and 15 minutes in which to do it. You're supposed to do each rung for a week (or four days if you are already in ok shape). As you go up the ladder, it gives you more reps of each of the exercises. On the first rung, the only real challenge was the running. You run in place, which one wouldn't think would be all that hard...the catch is that you have to lift your feet 4 to 6 inches. Picture this...chunky girl, still in PJ's (i.e. no bra), running in place, lifting her feet up as high as she thinks 4 to 6 inches is. Now, picture the looks on the two cats' faces. They were looking at me with heads cocked, like I had lost my mind! I couldn't help but laugh. I knew I looked kinda funny. Hey, gotta do what you gotta do.

Anyway, food for the day:
  • two grilled chicken snack wraps from McDonald's
  • Greek chicken and rice (boneless, skinless chicken breast, Greek salad dressing, rice)
  • whey gourmet protein powder with orange juice

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Gym? Huh?

I soooooo did not go to the gym this morning. Nope. I had ALL the alarms going off multiple times, but went back to bed anyway. I was so nice and warm and just didn't seem right to leave the bed. I will try AGAIN tomorrow.

Ate pretty healthy today:
  • oatmeal
  • strawberries
  • chicken and wild rice soup
  • grapes
  • apple
  • meatloaf and mashed potatoes (soooooooo good!)

Watched Baby Mama tonight. It was pretty funny. I've been really busy at work this week, so I feel kind of exhausted.

Was thinking of having a snack, but I don't know what to have and I feel too tired to eat it anyway. Going to go to bed.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Weight In Pears?

My wonderful partner made pear preserves on the weekend and they turned out so yummy that she went back and bought more pears to make more pear preserves. She started out with 3 pounds of pears, which made 3 jars worth of preserves. Can anyone guess how many more pounds she bought? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?





So...tonight I had a pear as one of my snacks! It was pretty good and it took me FOREVER to finish eating it! I cut it up and then had pieces in between songs...we were playing guitar hero. I can officially say that I officially SUCK! She is the master...she plays on Hard, while I barely manage on Medium! :-) get up for the gym this morning. Actually DIDN'T say, "I don't want to", like a little kid. Instead I thought, "yes, I'll go!". Then...I have no idea. Must have laid back down...the rest is history. So, I am trying another trick...I currently have two alarms. One beside me and one across the room. They are old cell phones, but are different models, so they have different alarm noises. The one across the room is obnoxious, so I turn it off and get back into bed (kind of annoyed). The one beside me is not horrible, but I still turn it off and go back to bed (less annoyed). Perhaps switching them may help. I am at a loss as to what else to try. I'll have to also turn on my back-up back-up alarm (number three). I'll post tomorrow with the alarm success or failure to get my butt out of bed and to the gym.

I keep staring at the last piece of pear on the plate in front of me...I am worried that I will forget that it fell on the floor and actually put it in my mouth. Probably not too bad...if we didn't have a dog and two cats. Ewwww! No matter how much you vacuum, the reminder of them is always there.

I was pretty proud of myself today in the food area of my goals:
  • oatmeal
  • strawberries
  • gazpacho (cold tomato, cucumber, onion, tomato juice, hot sauce, etc. soup)
  • big piece of bread (to go with the soup)
  • apple
  • grapes
  • omelet (tomato, mushrooms, cheese, egg whites)
  • half of a banana
  • pear

I'm also blogging...another good effort for the day. Now...if I could ONLY make it to the GYM!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Been Awhile...

So...yeah...haven't posted in awhile. Haven't been to the gym in awhile either. Have been eating WAY too many chips and such. Trying to get my lazy ass motivated again. I sure lose motivation quickly. It seems like as soon as I get tired, I lose the desire to exercise and/or eat healthy. All I want to do is lay on the couch...which usually leads to snacking...which usually leads to feeling worse about myself...which usually leads to me not going to the gym. A vicious cycle.

I feel like in my younger days (20's), I would be losing this weight much more easily. It really sucks. It seems like I can keep it up for a week or so and then once I see that I haven't lost anything or have even gained something, I think what the heck is the point. I can't do this for ANOTHER week and not see results! That's what the dumb brain tells me, anyway. I forget the fact that despite the tiredness from getting up early, I feel good about myself and my body feels good from the exercise.

Anyway, this morning I made myself a 8 week challenge. I used to do things, just to see if I could do them (i.e. cutting out caffeine - did that for a few years; cutting out swearing - did that for about a year; etc.). I don't know if I have it in me anymore, but I'm going to see.

This is my 8 week challenge:
  • start date - Sept.8; end date Nov.2
  • exercise at least 4 times per week
  • eat MOSTLY healthy
  • blog every day
  • no chips

Today was my starting date for my personal challenge. While I did not exercise, I ate healthy all day, am currently blogging, and at NO chips! A decent start, I think. I plan to go to the gym tomorrow morning. Part of my motivation seems to come from reading various blogs and forums online. When I'm feeling super unmotivated, I try to read a few threads to remind myself that it's possible to lose weight and that exercise makes a person feel good.

Food for the day:

  • oatmeal
  • strawberries
  • chicken and wild rice soup (made a HUGE batch in the crock pot on the weekend!)
  • apple
  • grapes
  • chicken fried rice
  • half of a banana

So...tomorrow is another day. I WILL get my lazy ass out of bed. I WILL go to the gym. I WILL eat healthy. Then, at the end of the day...I WILL blog!