Wow, I'm sleeeeeeeeeeepy today. I don't enjoy Mondays when I wake up at a normal time, but when I wake up at 4:45 a.m., I enjoy Mondays even less. Yes, I DID make it to the gym this morning...yay me!!! It was tough, but I did it, so I'm proud of myself. It was kinda iffy for a minute when the stupid/cute cat sat on my chest and started purring. She never does that, so I was all, awww, how cute! I can't possibly leave while she's being cute (and not her usual devilish self). My woman was snoring and tossing and turning, however, so luckily, that cancelled out the cute cat nonsense. :-)
I was somewhat disappointed when I weighed myself this morning. I was 172.2 lbs. Now, this COULD have something to do with the Arby's that I had last night, so who knows. All I'm sayin' is that I'd BETTER be less than 172.2 lbs next Monday. Damn scale. Oh, did I mention that this morning I checked to see how many calories I had consumed at Arby's last night? I had been all proud of myself too, cause I didn't have as many fries or onion petals as I normally do. Ready? Almost 1000 calories. Umm, yeah. Wish I would have calculated the side items BEFORE I ate them. Oh well. Live and learn.
Gonna be an early night tonight. I'm going to go to the gym in the morning again and then take Wednesday off. That way I get at least a bit of sleep during the week. Makes for a long week if I workout all 5 days of the work week. I'm not sure how I used to do that. Getting older sure messes with a girl!