Sunday, August 31, 2008

Oh, the cravings!!

Wow, tonight has been VERY hard not to snack! I've been wanting my ketchup chips that have been sitting in the kitchen (UNOPENED) for the last week or so. Instead I had some watermelon. Not at all the same thing, but maybe it's satisfied my tummy for a bit. I find that the more tired I am, the more I want to snack.

Went to the big city fair today...did a lot of walking and tried to eat mostly healthy. I had Extreme Pita for lunch (grilled chicken), but had some cotton candy and some Coke, so I could have been better, but I suppose I could have been much worse.

Tomorrow, when I go to the gym, I will be weighing will have been a week since I last did that, so HOPEFULLY it will be a loss. I've worked really hard this week. Went to the gym and ate mostly healthy. We'll see what happens.

Found a very cool ticker to keep track of my weight-loss!

Thank god tomorrow is a holiday! I think the only thing planned is laundry and the gym. Ok, enough of this nonsense...time to go rest my tired self on the couch.

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